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The Saucy Chronicles
Here are accounts of our travels, barbecue restaurant reviews, tall tales, humor, helpful advice, and pearls of wisdom––you get the idea––a grab bag of assorted crap. Return often for fresh nibbles that’ll entertain and enlighten you. But we recommend you do the smart thing and subscribe to our free delivery service below. We’ll deliver new content piping hot to your email box.
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Patrick Scullin
Jan 19, 2024
Three Trailheads & Three Dogs Hike Civil War Battlefields, Then Attack Herb’s Rib Shack.
A week after the miracle of assembling a whole crew of six Trailheads, we only had three intrepid, dedicated hikers this week. With Fio,...
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Patrick Scullin
Jan 13, 2024
Trailheads Attack Boundary Waters Of The Hooch, Survive Dog Attack, Invade Fat Matt’s Rib Shack.
No, there wasn’t a blue moon, and Halley’s comet had not returned, but amazingly, all six Trailheads and their three canine companions...
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Trailheads Hike Riverwalk ATL, Allegedly Break Laws, Hop Trains, Take Refuge at DAS BBQ.
Bad Boy Trailheads broke in the new year by (allegedly) breaking laws. We don’t know which ones or how many, and frankly, we don’t care....
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Patrick Scullin. Lightly Sauced by Roy Trimble.
Dec 30, 2023
Trailheads Do A Billy Goat Hike, Get Experienced At Tonyo’s BBQ Experience.
Santa had come and gone, George and Steve were on the road celebrating family and a birthday, and Brad was taking family members to the...
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Patrick Scullin
Dec 16, 2023
Trailheads Lose Two Hikers But Gain a Dog And Pig Out At Ferley’s BBQ.
On Saturday, Brad and Barb hosted our annual Trailheads Holiday Bash, with all six of us and the beautiful women who somehow tolerate us....
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Trailheads Cross New Bridge On Bowmans Island Trail, And Celebrate At Socks’ Love Barbecue.
The city slickers traveled north this week to just below the Buford Dam, which forms Lake Lanier, to hike Bowmans Island Trail. This is...
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Trailheads Donate $1,000 To Help The Hooch, Then Celebrate At Morty’s Meat & Supply.
Sometimes heroes don’t wear capes and tights; they wear Trailheads gear and jeans. ChatGPT wrote that sentence so we wouldn't sound...
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Patrick Scullin
Nov 19, 2023
A Wedding, Sick Trailheads, The Great Escape, And A Feed At Moe’s Original BBQ.
Trailheads were missing in inaction last week. Many crew members were down with Covid, or the crud (“crudius phlegmias” is the official...
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Trailheads Hike A Hidden Gem And Meet Celebrated Fox Bros. At Their New Joint.
It looks like Trailheads are back. Oh, not all of them. Steve was still on the Disabled List, and Roy joined him with a pulled...
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Patrick Scullin Lightly Sauced By Roy Trimble
Oct 28, 2023
Trailheads Finally Hike, Then Eat Korean/Southern French Approved Barbecue.
There were grumbles in Trailheads Nation. "What's with those guys," the scuttlebutt said. "Do they ever hike, or are they has-beens?"...
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Patrick Scullin
Oct 19, 2023
Trailheads Stop Making Sense: Attend Movie, Eat Fancy Foods, Blow Off Hike.
Georgia is cooling off. This area is putting away its summer clothes and preparing for winter. We are in the between season that some...
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Roy Trimble. Sauced by Patrick Scullin
Oct 13, 2023
Three Trailheads, Three Guests. Three Dogs, And One Mission: Smoked Meats (and a salad).
Once again, this week found the Trailheads scattered. George was in Bend, OR, and Patrick was in Dallas, TX. And Steve… well, Steve...
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Patrick Scullin
Oct 9, 2023
Trailheads Fall In Love With Leita Thompson, Discover The Fire In SmokehouseQ.
In a world driven by division, let’s sing praise for Leita Thompson. “Who the heck is that?” you ask in your distinctive voice. Hold your...
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Patrick Scullin. Lightly Sauced by Roy Trimble.
Sep 29, 2023
Trailheads Surface on The Hooch, Paint The City Red With Barbecue Sauce.
Trailhead Nation was on pins and needles (which is not nearly as comfy as a La-Z-Boy Recliner), worried sick about the gang's...
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Trailheads Worry About Their Tickers, Then Pig Out On Barbecue.
We almost did it. Trailheads just about assembled the entire crew, but Steve and his wife escaped America with their letters of transit....
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Trailheads Trek A Forbidden Trail, Make New Friends, Go To Brisket Heaven.
Our universe is a weird place, but finding another universe with an affordable vacancy is challenging. So, for now, we're stuck in The...
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Patrick Scullin. Lightly Sauced by Roy Trimble.
Aug 26, 2023
Trailheads Return To Mysterious Cascade Springs Nature Preserve, Go Whole Hog At Rodney Scott's BBQ.
In these dog days of summer, we eavesdrop on a conversation with Trailheads' K9 crew. ELVIS: Are we hiking this week? FIONA: Yeah. There...
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Roy Trimble. Sauced by Patrick Scullin
Aug 19, 2023
Trailheads Take Flight at the Blue Heron Preserve. Then Fill Empty Stomachs At DBA Barbecue.
After a big week of accolades from around the world for the Trailheads feature article in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution (Thanks again...
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Will Fame Spoil Trailheads, And What's With The Sushi?
Last month, a reporter named Olivia Wakim from the Atlanta Journal-Constitution newspaper joined us for a hike (read about it here). An...
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Patrick Scullin. Lightly Sauced by Roy Trimble.
Jul 30, 2023
Trailheads Search For Sweetwater 420 in Sweetwater Creek, then Discover Barbecue At Beaver Creek.
It won’t be ravenous mountain lions or bears or heavily armed squirrels who do in Trailheads. It will be pickleball. The popular sport is...
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