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The Saucy Chronicles
Here are accounts of our travels, barbecue restaurant reviews, tall tales, humor, helpful advice, and pearls of wisdom––you get the idea––a grab bag of assorted crap. Return often for fresh nibbles that’ll entertain and enlighten you. But we recommend you do the smart thing and subscribe to our free delivery service below. We’ll deliver new content piping hot to your email box.
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Trailheads Donate $1,000 To Help The Hooch, Then Celebrate At Morty’s Meat & Supply.
Sometimes heroes don’t wear capes and tights; they wear Trailheads gear and jeans. ChatGPT wrote that sentence so we wouldn't sound...
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Trailheads Hike A Hidden Gem And Meet Celebrated Fox Bros. At Their New Joint.
It looks like Trailheads are back. Oh, not all of them. Steve was still on the Disabled List, and Roy joined him with a pulled...
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Patrick Scullin Lightly Sauced By Roy Trimble
Oct 28, 2023
Trailheads Finally Hike, Then Eat Korean/Southern French Approved Barbecue.
There were grumbles in Trailheads Nation. "What's with those guys," the scuttlebutt said. "Do they ever hike, or are they has-beens?"...
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Roy Trimble. Sauced by Patrick Scullin
Oct 24, 2023
Trailheads Invited To A Garden Party And Harvest A Crop Of Fans.
Trailheads hiked an utterly new trail this week––public speaking. Our group came together for many reasons. Everyone (except Roy) loves...
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Roy Trimble. Sauced by Patrick Scullin
Oct 13, 2023
Three Trailheads, Three Guests. Three Dogs, And One Mission: Smoked Meats (and a salad).
Once again, this week found the Trailheads scattered. George was in Bend, OR, and Patrick was in Dallas, TX. And Steve… well, Steve...
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Patrick Scullin. Lightly Sauced by Roy Trimble.
Sep 29, 2023
Trailheads Surface on The Hooch, Paint The City Red With Barbecue Sauce.
Trailhead Nation was on pins and needles (which is not nearly as comfy as a La-Z-Boy Recliner), worried sick about the gang's...
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Trailheads Worry About Their Tickers, Then Pig Out On Barbecue.
We almost did it. Trailheads just about assembled the entire crew, but Steve and his wife escaped America with their letters of transit....
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Patrick Scullin
Aug 9, 2023
How To Be A Trailhead
Medical research shows that socializing is one of the critical contributors to happiness and life longevity. Yet, most people are...
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Patrick Scullin. Lightly Sauced by Roy Trimble.
Jul 30, 2023
Trailheads Search For Sweetwater 420 in Sweetwater Creek, then Discover Barbecue At Beaver Creek.
It won’t be ravenous mountain lions or bears or heavily armed squirrels who do in Trailheads. It will be pickleball. The popular sport is...
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Trailheads Get Grilled By The Press And Hit The Bright Lights Of City Barbecue.
We were nervous. Nick, a public relations maven Hollywood George is working with, had pitched Trailheads as a story idea to the Atlanta...
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Partial Trailheads Get A Full Helping Of The Frazier Forest And Sweet Auburn.
Cat herders have it easy. All they do is wrangle a group of independently-minded animals meowing and being distracted by every little...
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A Mutiny In Trailheads Nation, With Victory Celebration At Ford’s BBQ Oakhurst.
The public was worried sick––where were their beloved Trailheads? The last Trailheads’ hiking dispatch was three weeks ago. Had the group...
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Trailheads Get Into Emory, Can't Keep Up, And Run to Fox Bros.
Two Trailheads weren't able to make this week's adventure. George was taking his wife to the airport for a flight to New York City, where...
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Trailheads Tramp Around Murphey Candler Park, Head South for Dixie Q.
To quote President James Polk, "There's no business like show business––like no business I know." And Trailhead George is in the thick of...
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The Dirty Half-Dozen Hike Again, And Leave A Benjamin With Jim 'N Nick's.
Mothers wept, children cheered, and grown men collapsed from exuberant joy as the entire team of Trailheads assembled to attack the Sope...
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Patrick Scullin. Lightly Sauced by Roy Trimble.
May 13, 2023
Trailheads Beat Around Mulberry Bush, Pop Into Hog Mountain For 5-Star Yelp BBQ.
Close, but no cigar. Once again, we could not muster an entire crew of Trailheads. We came close, five intrepid hikers, but George was...
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Trailheads Hike The Hooch, Crash Lanier Ladies Birthday Party, And Meet Morty For BBQ.
Our regular readers were probably worried sick that there was no write-up of last week's hike. Conspiracy theories raged: The gang...
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Patrick Scullin. Lightly Sauced by Roy Trimble.
Apr 22, 2023
On 4-20, Trailheads Get High on Life in Cemetery, Hit DAS BBQ for Smoked Meats.
At long last, all six Trailheads rallied for a hike. Trail Master Guy selected an in-city stroll through Historic Oakland Cemetery. Brad...
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Roy Trimble and Patrick Scullin
Apr 15, 2023
Trailheads Discover A Country Hike In The City. And Rediscover Fat Matt's.
As has been the case with our revolving sixsome of late, the Trailheads were just four hikers this week. George returned from Bend, OR,...
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Roy Trimble. Sauced by Patrick Scullin
Apr 7, 2023
Trailheads Head Down To High Falls, Learn A Nod Is As Good As A Wink To A Blind Pig.
It's July in April here in Atlanta. The temperatures hovered in the mid-eighties, so Trail Master Guy led the team to the water. A river....
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